School Identity

서울예술대학교 심볼마크 서울예술대학교 심볼마크

SeoulArts Symbol Mark

The symbol mark is a visual representation of Seoul Institute of the Arts and is the most important basic element that is the core of the identity system.
The symbol mark of Seoul Institute of the Arts is inspired by the unique pattern of the Baekje gold-crowned queen's crown, which retains the aesthetic breath of its ancestors, and expresses the fusion of modernity and tradition in a positive negative by using the outline's unevenness and slender curves. In addition, the flame and wings are combined into one to symbolize the image of Seoul Institute of the Arts students soaring toward their dreams while igniting their true artistic souls. The main color, red, signifies the pinnacle of art and boundless passion.

Korean-English Logo

로고 국영문 로고 국영문

Symbol Mark

Symbol 마크 Symbol 마크


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