I may not be a trendsetter, but I'm going to show you something new and different. There are amazing things happening through K-content, and I will try to showcase the K-artistry that is loved around the world.
Yu Jae-seokBroadcasting
If you want to make today different from yesterday, stay focused. If you want to change tomorrow, start working on it now.
Shin Dong-yeobTheatre
If you're constantly checking in with your competitors, they'll all end up being the same. Focus on the story you find within yourself, so you can differentiate yourself and stick with it.
Kim Bong-jinSpatial Design
I once advised my niece, who was thinking about her career, to do what you're good at, not what you love. In your 20s, when you're in the prime of your life and can pursue many different dreams, sticking to one thing just because you love it might mean you're missing out on things you're better at. It's better to experience more and find out what you're better at, rather than sticking to one thing you love, because that's what will expand your future.
Kang Hee-sunBroadcasting

John Frank
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John Frank
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

John Frank
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

John Frank
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

John Frank
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

John Frank
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit